All of the resources & action items that we mention on the podcast are linked below (please be advised that all of these will take you off of our website - visit safely).
Advocacy & action items
Mad about Elon Musk and the current constitutional crisis in this country? Common Cause has prepared a drafted letter that you can send to your specific elected officials just by putting in your address and clicking a few buttons, starting with this link.
Old phones burning a hole in your junk drawer? Print this free label and mail them to Secure the Call, which is enabling folks in domestic violence situations and other vulnerable people to have free access to a phone with 911.
Want to contact your Senators in Washington with your own message? You can find out who they are, and send a message or access their phone number all from this link.
Want to contact your House Members in Washington with your own message? You can find out who they are, and send a message or access their phone number all from this link.
Survivor or witness of a hate crime and want to report? The Southern Poverty Law Center has an easy-to-fill web form to report a hate incident to SPLC investigators and/or a local FBI field office.